Awol Member replied

644 weeks ago

I like the idea of tanking. I played WoW as DPS and Healer. I remember spending hours looking for a tank to run heroics. So when I got this game I rolled a tank. I've been looking for some info on tanking and found this. Thought some of you might find it useful if you haven't seen it.

BoA Admin replied

644 weeks ago

Tanking in this game is a lot harder than it was in WoW. I played all 3 roles in WoW, and tanking in SWTOR takes some getting used to.

Tanks pretty much ignore certain trash mobs and let DPS tank them in SWTOR. AoE threat seems to be my biggest challenge, despite the fact that I'm playing a tanking class with 'great' AoE abilities. Threat in this game is also very strange. In WoW, you could build up threat and essentially chill for the remainder of the fight without worry. In this game, you don't get that luxury and tanking rotations are very unforgiving if you make a mistake.

Awol Member replied

644 weeks ago

Yeah the guide talks about how this isn't WotLK WoW where a paladin can AoE tank the entire room.

Just from what I've read, Juggernaut isn't great for AoE but is the best tank for mitigation and seems to be set up to tank a single big hitter, maybe two…but if the group knows how to hold DPS and burn targets in order I think a Jugger could hold several targets as the healer would be the only other threat generator. WoW trained us to be lazy which might be why we all left as it got boring.

The devs have also said, "we're not quite happy with the warrior class and will be looking into it." But I think this has more to do with the DPS trees.

I've just done a few flashpoints as a tank and threat has been an issue, but I don't have my main threat generator yet (Backhand). I do have taunt but I don't think it works the same as in WoW. Taunt doesn't generate any threat, it just forces the mob to attack you for 6 seconds.

The biggest issue I've seen is knockback. It seems like every trash pack, miniboss and boss has a knockback ability. I can charge sometimes but a knockback resist for tanks would be good fix. Or a faster CD on charge. I'll charge and before I can attack I get knocked back….by the time I get back to my target the DPS had already started unloading and overtaken me on threat.

So you have to tell them to chill for 5-10 seconds.

Omnisar Member replied

643 weeks ago

Deleted 643 weeks ago by Falisa

Senio Member replied

643 weeks ago

Deleted 643 weeks ago by Falisa
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